Dear reader
The PA Ship and PA Safe team at the Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) and the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (TRAFICOM) are pleased to forward you the fourth combined PA Ship and PA Safe newsletter. Within the newsletter, we share news from the PAC team, highlights from our Flagship projects and links to upcoming events.
If you have any news you would like to add to the newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Happy reading and with kind regards,
The PA Safe and PA Ship PAC Team
News from the PACs
Four Policy Areas came together to organize a joint webinar on Alternative Fuels
The Policy Area Coordinators of PA Ship, PA Transport, PA Energy and PA Safe under the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region hosted an online webinar titled “Alternative Fuels: Impacts on Maritime Safety and the Environment in the Baltic Sea Region”. The webinar included presentations on upcoming EU legislation aimed at facilitating the green transition; inputs from the industry talking about their hopes for the upcoming regulation; technical facts on the different possibilities and challenges associated with alternative fuels; a presentation on the Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport Partnership; and BSR regional perspectives for the future development.
A full recap of the event will soon be available online on the DMAs website.
New guidelines and structure for Steering Groups and their Modes of Operation
In May 2021 the group of National Coordinators released the new common structure for Steering Groups rules of Procedure and its Guidance on Modes of Operation. The new documents are to be implemented in all PAs going forward.
Please find the new documents here.
Look out for upcoming Horizon Europe calls!
The Horizon Europe program is up and running and new calls relevant for the maritime sector and green transitioning are soon expected. Keep updated here on forthcoming calls!
Please find the link here.
Highlights from PA Ship and PA Safe Flagship projects
PA Safe Flagships, STM Validation and EffecienSea2 contribute to more safe and efficient route planning
The European Union and all its member countries submitted a paper on digital exchange of vessel route plans that can lead to increased safety, reduced administrative burden and more efficient operations, combined with reduced environmental impact. It is an important building block in IMOs Maritime Services to achieve massive fuel and emissions savings through just-in-time arrivals. The paper derived its finding from two PA Safe Flagship project, namely STM Validation and EffecienSEA2.
To learn more please look here.
PA Safe project Platform ResQU2 Community – shoulders to lean on
ResQU2 concluded its activities in March when its 30 months were up. The final partner reunion was at the ResQU2 Final Conference on 17 March. Online, of course. There partners took stock of the platform achievements: regular projects' outputs were demonstrated in a number of dissemination and high-level events, peer-to-peer dissemination took place within the partnership, professional networks were enhanced, recommendations to improve rescue operations prepared, and the international coordination group on emergency preparedness was set in motion. Still, one of the most valued outcome was the possibility to get to know peers and their resources in other regions and countries. This is knowledge that may help save lives one day.
To learn more about the results of ResQU2 please follow this link.
EXOPRODIGI continues developing digital performance monitor-ing solutions to tackle inefficiencies in shipping
To tackle shipping’s impact on the environment, urgent action is needed to develop, retrofit and decarbonize existing fleets. In EXOPRODIGI, this standpoint is well-recognised and the project partners are committed to explore how digital tools and solutions can be utilized in both new and existing older vessels to make them more eco-efficient. Monitoring vessel performance with help of digital tools and solutions, which are created for improving and predicting operations, makes it possible to capture and analyze real-time operational data from vessels, which, in turn, makes it easier to identify potential inefficiencies.
For more information, please visit.
ECOPRODIGI optimizing production planning and processes at shipyards
The construction and size of a shipyard with a huge number of subcontractors make the process very complex. In this respect EXOPRODIGI work package 4 will look closer at the shipyards, concentrating on 3D technology and high quality IT-solutions, aiming at optimizing and creating more eco-efficiency to the shipyard production planning and processes.
To find more information, please follow this link.
Efficient cargo stowage processes for the benefit of maritime supply chains
In ECOPRODIGI, cargo stowage optimization was one of the three main industry cases, which was explored by a team consisting of university researchers, digital solution provides and representatives from the Danish shipping, and logistics company DFDS. The focus of the work was on roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) ferries and the ways digital decision support tools can improve end-to-end processes, i.e. the whole process that takes place before, during, and after cargo stowage. The findings from ECOPRODIGI indicated that the utilisation of digital technologies can really improve the loading and discharging of vessels, reducing the overall time spent at ports. As a result, ships can sail slower and use less ballast water, which, in turn, translates into fuel savings of up to 10% per voyage as well as reductions in harmful emissions. It was also discovered that digital tools and solutions provide many further opportunities for optimising the whole end-to-end value chain.
For more information, please follow the link.
EMERGE project – New website up and running!
The website of PA Ship Flaghip project EMERGE is now live and can be found at here. The website showcases key information about the EMERGE project, information about consortium members (including contact information), EMERGE-organised and related events, EMERGE news stories, results from project activities and links to related activities.
Upcoming Events
PA Safe Steering Committee meeting, May 31 09:00 – 12:00 CEST
The 24th meeting in the International Steering Committee for PA Safe will take place on May 31, 09:00 – 12:00. To register for the meeting please contact finnish co-PAC, Mr. Valtteri Laine.
PA Ship Steering Committee meeting, June 3rd 09:00 -12:00 CEST
The 16th meeting in the International Steering Committee for PA Ship will take place on June 3, 09:00 – 12:00.
Please find the agenda and registration link here.
STM Conference 2021, June 3rd, 13:30 – 16:00 CEST
How has Sea Traffic Management been implemented and how will it change the maritime future? During an efficient afternoon online webinar you will hear STM experts talk and discuss recent developments and future plans, with an extra focus on how information exchange can enable Just-in-Time arrivals, operations and departures.
To sign up and read more about the agenda, please follow this link.
EfficientFlow Final Conference, June 4th, 09:00-11:00 CEST
How have the ports in Gävle and Rauma improved the information flow and how has this affected the overall efficiency? Would you like to have better information when planning a meeting with a large ship in narrow waters? Learn from the results of the EfficientFlow project on june
Please find all presentations and sign up here.
EXOPORIDGI: Upcoming webinar on “Navigating towards eco-efficiency – Best practices and inspiring examples in AI, 3D and pro-cess development”, June 10th, 11-13:30 CEST
The event focuses on topical issues such as utilisation of 3D and AI solutions in maritime and other industries, process optimization with the help of digital technologies, and collaboration between digital solution providers and industry end-users.
You can find more information about the webinar and a registration form here.